This meditation should be practiced for at least 5-10 minutes 2x/day. It is as follows:
Sit with an erect spine
Inhale through your wide open mouth, feeling the energy from your root chakra rise through the spine into your 3rd eye.
Roll your eyes inward and up to your 3rd eye and hold that breath there for 3-5 seconds.
Exhale from the back top of your throat with your lips slightly parted, taking that breath energy down to your root chakra again.
Repeat this in 3 breath sets, as follows: Inhale "Unknown" and exhale "Known", then Inhale "Known" and exhale "Unknown". This can be visualized as Unknown = Dark/Shadow/Undifferentiated Substance; Known = Light/Defined Matter.
At the last of these 6 breaths, allow your eyes to gaze down and in, as if you are turned toward your heart to get a better view of the Abyss/Subconscious Collective Pool below (associated with the pelvic region, but not contained in the body limit). When you can see the pool at the bottom of the path, then repeat the breathwork with a wide open mouth and inhale up any known or unknown obstacles causing harm to you or others. These may appear as colors, shapes, people, thoughts, or feelings.
Bring that energy into your head, through your mouth, seeing your whole Skull as the primary character "devouring" the energy.
Hold that energy and breath in your mouth/head and allow the HOLD to start vibrating your skull strongly.
Using the understanding of Sonar (Whale Telepathy), focus a brilliant sonic wave of clear white light through you into the pool below. This may be internally audible or inaudible (as high frequency sounds are transmitted "silently"). Think of the energetic strength of this Sonar as the high-pitched songs of the Sirens in Myth.
Repeat 1-2 more times, as you Intuit.