Brain Wake-Up - Use this blend for clarity/alertness.
Cancer Clearing Protocol - Follow this protocol if you have chronic inflammation/auto-immune disorder or a diagnostic of cancer. Typically, this will need to be done a minimum of 1 month, but up to 12 months.
Energy Bars/Balls - Use these for deep nutrition that’s easy to transport.
Gallbladder Cleanse - Use this protocol if you have digestive bloat at your stomach, diarrhea when eating eggs or fried food, frequent belching, or know you have stones.
Hangover/Brain Inflammation Blend - Use this blend post-Covid 19 or for chronic sinusitis, during a detox reaction or lymphatic stuffiness.
Heavy Metal Detox Protocol - Use this when experiencing chronic inflammatory/auto-immune disorders, related to the respiratory system or skin disorders, alongside signs of fatigue/hormonal collapse.
Herbal Decoction - Here are the basics on how to make your own herbal decoction as a tea with water.
Herbal Mouthwash Recipe - Use to this prevent & heal oral ulcers or infections.
Kidney-Heart Blend - Use this blend to cleanse the blood and lymph & purge excess mucus.
Liver Flush Blend - Use this to blend to gently cleanse the liver/gallbladder (wood element).
Matcha Tea Blend - Use this to help clear your bronchial passages & resolve a sore throat.
Meno/Mano-Pause Protocol - This is both an educational and instructive writing on dietary and lifestyle advice for a Man or Woman going through the hormonal shift post child-bearing years, entering into the role of Elder-Wisdom Keeper.
Metal-Releasing Bacterial Infection - Detox with this blend when you have an active bacterial infection.
Small Intestines Cleanse - Use this blend to perform a deep clean of this system.
Stone Cleansing Protocol - Whole Body - Use this protocol if you know or suspect you have kidney stones, arthritis, ringing in your ears, or frequent urination.
Vasodilation/Chelation Protocol - Use this blend to increase blood flow, detox, and aid in mineral chelation.
Vegan Cashew Cream Sauce - This is a base recipes as a cream alternative in burritos, on nachos, for pizza, pasta, etc.
Water (Hydrate and Sleep All Night) - Drink a full 64 oz of water by 1 pm each day. Add a pinch of pink (Himalayan) salt to at least 24 oz of that.